Round Up: What's New in Sustainability This Week

From Big Apple to Big Smoke; Travel Industry Beware; Hong Kong all in on ESG; British Museum says 'Bye Felicia' to BP and more...

Round Up: What's New in Sustainability This Week
Photo by Michael Discenza / Unsplash

Welcome to our sharp and succinct digest aimed at bringing you the latest in sustainability, a hot-topic that continues to define our global business landscape.

Ready? Let's jump in!

NYC Climate Lockdown

Canada's raging wildfires have the Big Apple in Big Smoke, causing schools and restaurants to close.

As the smoke from over 400+ forest fires in Canada makes it's way down the Eastern coast of the US, consider this a sneak preview of a new type of 'climate lockdown'.

Small businesses take note: the increasing severity of climate events will impact business operations, insurance and the way financial industries assess business risk.

Canadian wildfire smoke changes route as New York schools and restaurants remain shut
Air quality alert today: Live updates from Canada wildfires

Hong Kong Trade Development Council offers free ESG support to local SMEs

The initiative aims to change the view of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) as a cost burden, presenting it as a competitive advantage in global markets instead.

As the world accelerates towards collective decarbonisation, UK firms will need to keep up to stay competitive in global markets.

Hong Kong boosts efforts to promote ESG agenda to hesitant business owners
Hong Kong wants the city’s small and medium-sized enterprises to embrace the ESG agenda to better compete in the global market. Reluctant business owners see it as an unnecessary cost burden.

Greenwashing Crackdown: Warning for Travel Industry

Travel companies' 'carbon neutral' claims are under scrutiny, as the UK and EU vow to ban misleading environmental claims. Delta Air Lines could face a lawsuit over such claims.

UK small businesses should take note, as clear and honest environmental practices become ever more essential.

The truth about your foreign holiday isn’t likely to be neutral, even less so positive
Delta Air Lines could face a lawsuit over carbon neutral claims, while governments in the UK and EU have vowed to crack down on misleading claims

British Museum Says 'Bye Felicia' to BP

After nearly three decades, the British Museum has ended its sponsorship deal with BP, signifying the fossil fuel company's shrinking influence in the UK arts sector.

This reflects growing public scrutiny of corporate sustainability practices and the increasing importance of aligning with ethical and environmental values.

British Museum Ends 27-Year Sponsorship Deal With BP
The move has been lauded by environmental activists as a victory.

10 Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Change

Checkout this spotlight on 10 trailblazers accelerating climate action globally.

Their work, from indigenous conservation to renewable energy, provides inspiration for Founders, Leaders and "Companies of One" looking to contribute positively to climate justice and sustainability.

Women in Climate Leadership: Meet 10 leaders who refuse to let the climate crisis go unchecked
Top women leaders — activists, academics, politicians, CSOs, and nonprofit and grassroots leaders — told Insider how they’re tackling climate change.

See ya next week with another round-up! Remember, climate change is about power, and as entrepreneurs, we have more than we think.